Eriba Triton QB / 1994
Excellent condition
(when I get a chance, and the rain stops! I'll take some more pictures of the outside)
One of the few Eriba that can sleep 4 easily. Very hard to find, and very hard to find in good condition. Comes with full service.
The outside is clean, with virtually no indentations of any sort. Gas locker is intact. Window rubbers have been replaced recently. Chassis is excellent.
Internally all upholstery and cabints are in very good to excellent condition. Floor covering is excellent. Wallboards show a few user marks. Pop-top material is very good.
Hard to find like this, very
original and unmolested.
Shipping Length Eriba Triton : 507cm
Body Length Eriba Triton : 392cm
External width Eriba Triton : 200cm
External Height (roof lowered) Eriba Triton : 219cm
Maximum headroom (roof raised) Eriba Triton : 184cm
Bed size 188cmx190cm
Max laden weight : 1000KG
Unladen weight : 650KG